عملکرد رشد، هماتولوژی و ترکیبات بیوشیمیایی خون و وضعیت آنتی اکسیدانی بره‫های رومن تغذیه شده با جیره‫های حاوی مخلوطی از زیره سبز، گشنیز‬‬‬‬‬‬ و نعناع فلفلی‬‬‬‬

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


گروه علوم دامی، دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران


بیست‫وچهار راس بره نر با میانگین وزن 64/3± 73/28 کیلوگرم و سن سه ماه در یک طرح کاملا تصادفی به چهار تیمار 6 راسی گروه بندی شدند. تیمار‫ها شامل گروه شاهد (جیرة پایه بدون مکمل گیاهی)، تیمار 1:  جیرة پایه+۱۰ گرم مکمل (۶۰درصد زیره سبز، ۳۰درصد گشنیز و ۱۰ درصد نعناع‫فلفلی)، تیمار 2: جیرة پایه+10گرم مکمل (۴۵ درصد زیره، ۴۵ درصد گشنیز و ۱۰ درصد نعناع‫فلفلی)، تیمار 3: جیرة پایه + 10 گرم مکمل (۳۰درصد زیره، ۶۰ درصد گشنیز و ۱۰ درصد نعناع‫فلفلی) بودند. از ورید وداج بره‫ها در پایان دوره خون‫گیری شد. مصرف ماده خشک در تیمارهای آزمایشی با گروه شاهد تفاوتی نداشت. بره‫های تیمار اول بیش‌ترین افزایش وزن روزانه نسبت به گروه‫های دیگر داشتند. مقدار هموگلوبین، میانگین حجمی پلاکت‌ها،‌ تعداد گلبول‌های سفید، درصدهای لنفوسیت‌ها، مونوسیت‌ها و نوتروفیل‌های خون تحت تاثیر مکمل گیاهی قرار نگرفت. تفاوت معنی‌داری بین تیمارها و گروه شاهد از لحاظ غلظت گلوکز و تری‌گلیسرید خون مشاهده نشد. غلظت اوره خون در تیمارهای دوم و سوم نسبت به گروه شاهد بیشتر بود. غلظت آنزیم‫های آسپارتات‫آمینوترانسفراز و آلانین‫آمینوترانسفراز در تیمارهای دوم و سوم نسبت به گروه شاهد افزایش یافت. غلظت آنزیم‫های آلکالین‫فسفاتاز و گاما-گلوتامیل‫ترانس‫پپتیداز خون بره‫های دریافت‫کننده تیمار سوم نسبت به گروه شاهد افزایش داشت. غلظت گلوتاتیون‫پراکسیداز و سوپراکسیدازدیسموتاز خون تغییری نکرد ولی ظرفیت آنتی‫اکسیدانی نسبت به گروه شاهد کاهش یافت. نتایج نشان داد که افزودن ۱۰گرم مکمل زیره‫سبز، گشنیز و نعناع‫فلفلی با نسبت‫های به‫ترتیب 30،60 و 10، عملکرد بره‫های پرواری نژاد رومن و بازده خوراک را بهبود داد و تاثیر نامطلوبی بر متابولیت‫های خون نداشت. 



عنوان مقاله [English]

Growth performance, hematology and blood biochemical components and antioxidant status of Roman lambs fed diets supplemented with mixture of cumin, coriander and peppermint powders

نویسندگان [English]

  • Wahidullah Charkhi
  • Fardin Hozhabri
  • Hadi Hajarian
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Science and Agricultural engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
چکیده [English]

Twenty-four male lambs with an average weight of 28.73±3.64 kg and age of three months were assigned to four treatments with 6 lambs for each treatment in a completely randomized design. The treatments included: the control (basic diet), treatment 1: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (60% cumin, 30% coriander and 10% peppermint), treatment 2: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (45% cumin, 45% coriander and 10% peppermint), treatment 3: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (30% cumin, 60% coriander and 10% peppermint). Blood was taken from the jugular vein of the lambs at the end of the experiment. DMI was not affected by treatments. Average daily gain (ADG) in the treatment 1 was higher than that of control treatment. Hemoglobin, PLT, RBC, and WBC, percentages of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were not affected by the supplements. No significant difference was observed between the experimental and control treatments in terms of blood glucose and triglyceride concentrations. Blood urea was higher in the treatments 2 and 3 than in the control. Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase increased in treatments 2 and 3 compared to the control. Alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in the treatment 3 were different from the control. Glutathione peroxidase and superoxidase dismutase did not change, but the antioxidant capacity in experimental treatments decreased compared to the control. The results showed that the addition of 10 gram of cumin, coriander and peppermint mixture with ratios of 30, 60 and 10, respectively, improved the performance of Roman lambs and feed efficiency without having an adverse effect on blood metabolites.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Alanine aminotransferase
  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Aspartate aminotransferase
  • Blood platelets
  • Medicinal plants

Extended Abstract


Prohibition of using growth-promoting antibiotics in the diet of ruminants has led to the search for natural products with similar effects. Medicinal plants have been identified and introduced as one of the appropriate alternatives due to their multiple effects. Several studies on the use of medicinal plants or their essential oils and extracts in ruminant have been conducted, but in most of these studies, one plant effect has been investigated and less attention has been paid to the mixture of plants with different proportions and their effects. So, present study was conducted to investigate the effects of using a mixture of these medicinal plants (peppermint, coriander seeds and cumin seeds) in the diet of fattening lambs on the performance and parameters of hematology, biochemistry and antioxidant properties of blood.


Materials and Methods

     Twenty-four male lambs with an average weight of 28.73±3.64 kg and age of three months were assigned to four treatments with 6 lambs for each treatment in a completely randomized design. The treatments included: the control (basic diet), treatment 1: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (60% cumin, 30% coriander and 10% peppermint), treatment 2: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (45% cumin, 45% coriander and 10% peppermint), treatment 3: basic diet + 10 grams of supplement (30% cumin, 60% coriander and 10% peppermint). Blood was taken from the jugular vein of the lambs at the end of the experiment.


Results and Discussion

    The results showed that dry matter intake in the experimental treatments was not different from the control group. The daily weight gain in the treatment 1 was higher than in the control group. On the other hand, the lambs of the treatment 1 had the highest daily weight gain compared to other groups. The final weight of the control group and treatment 1 was higher than the other two groups (P<0.05). The concentration of RBC did not change in different groups. However, MCV in experimental treatments decreased compared to the control group. No difference was observed between the lambs of the control group and experimental treatments 1 and 3 in terms of the HCT, but the percentage of this parameter was higher in the experimental treatment 2 than the control group (P<0.05). Hematocrit was not affected by the supplements. The concentration of blood platelets in the control group was lower than experimental treatment 1 (P>0.05) and experimental treatments 2 and 3 (P<0.05). Hemoglobin, PLT, WBC, percentages of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils in the blood were not affected by the herbal supplement. No significant difference was observed between the treatments and the control in terms of blood glucose and triglyceride concentrations. Blood urea concentration was higher in the treatments 2 and 3 than in the control. Treatment 3 increased the concentration of cholesterol, creatinine and albumin in the blood of lambs compared to the control (P< 0.001). Treatments 1 and 2 decreased the concentration of total protein but treatment 3 increased total protein compared to the control group. The concentration of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes increased in the second and third treatments compared to the control group. The concentrations of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase enzymes in the blood of the lambs receiving the third treatment were significantly different from the control group. The concentration of glutathione peroxidase enzyme was not affected by treatments. The blood superoxidase dismutase level did not change, but the antioxidant capacity in experimental groups decreased compared to the control group.



    The results of the present study showed that the addition of 10 grams of cumin, coriander and peppermint supplements with ratios of 30, 60 and 10%, respectively, improved the performance of Roman breed lambs and feed efficiency without having an adverse effect on blood metabolites.

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