The effect of adding emulsifier and multienzyme in diets containing rapeseed meal with different energy levels on performance, intestinal morphology and digesta viscosity in broiler chickens

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Animal Science, College of Animal Sciences and Fisheries, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran


In a 2×2×2 factorial experiment, the effect of two levels of multienzyme Vemozyme (0 and 0.01%) and two levels of emulsifier (0 and 0.05%) in a diet containing rapeseed meal with two levels of energy (recommended and 100 kcal lower than the recommended level) on performance, intestinal morphology and digesta viscosity in 800 Ross male broilers chickens were investigated for 42 days. Usings enzyme in the starter, grower and the whole period of the experiment, improved feed conversion ratio villus surface area and reduced digesta viscosity in the jejunum and ileum. Adding e emulsifier to diet improved feed conversion ratio in the starter, finisher and the whole period and increased the villus length and decreased digesta viscosity in the jejunum. Recommended energy level improved feed conversion ratio in the grower, finisher and the whole period of the experiment, and increased the villus length in the duodenum. The three interaction effects of enzyme and emulsifier in the diet with low energy level in the finisher and the whole period, compared to diets with the recommended level of energy with enzyme or emulsifier had not significant effect on feed conversion ratio. The results of the present experiment, showed that use of multienzyme ,Vemozyme and emulsifier in diets containing canola meal, with low energy level improved feed conversion ratio in the finisher, and whole periods, increased the villus surface area and reduced digesta viscosity in the jejunum.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 03 December 2024
  • Receive Date: 29 July 2024
  • Revise Date: 28 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 30 October 2024