Effect of Organic Supplementation of Zinc and Copper Stabilized in the Rumen on Gas Production, Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Fattening Lambs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

2 Department of Food Nanotechnology, Research Institute of Food Science and Technology, Mashhad, Iran


The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of chelate made based on whey protein isolate nanofibrils and the inorganic form of copper and zinc elements on production performance, blood indices, antioxidant enzyme activity, and rumen fermentation of fattening lambs in vivo and in vitro. In the initial the effect of the supplements on ruminal gas production was investigated. Then, a total of 18 Kurdish male lambs were randomly assigned to one of the experimental diets including: 1) control diet, 2) control diet plus sulfate copper and zinc supplements, and 3) control diet plus stabilized copper and zinc chelate supplement. . The results showed that supplementing the diet with stabilized chelate in the rumen increased the gas production potential and gas production rate constant (P<0.05). Daily feed consumption, average daily weight gain, and final weight of lambs increased with zinc and copper supplementation (P<0.05). The use of zinc supplement increased the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and neutral detergent insoluble fiber (P<0.05). In this study, the addition of organic and mineral zinc and copper supplements to the diet of fattening lambs increased the concentration of total protein, albumin, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase (P<0.05). In general, the results of this study showed that the use of zinc and copper supplements, regardless of the type of source, can lead to an increase in gas production potential, an improvement in growth performance in fattening lambs, and an increase in liver and antioxidant enzyme activity related to these elements.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 10 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 29 April 2024
  • Revise Date: 01 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 10 July 2024