The Effect of Feeding Top-Dress Cottonseed Bioactive Peptide and Organic Selenium in the Prepartum on the Health of the Reproductive Tract and Subsequent Pregnancy in Holstein Dairy Cattle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Animal Science, Agriculture Faculty, University of Zanjan., Zanjan. Iran.

2 Department of animal science, Faculty of agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Agriculture and natural resources research and education center of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province, Animal science research, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding top dress Hydroxy Seleno Methionine (HSM) as organic Selenium and cotton seed bioactive peptide (CSBP) on body condition, health of the reproductive system and subsequent pregnancy of dairy cows. For this purpose, one hundred and eighty multiparous Holstein cows at the day 21 prior to the expected calving date were assigned to one of four experimental treatments in a randomized complete block design in a 2x2 factorial arrangement: 1) Basal diet (containing mineral selenium as per NRC (2001) recommendations without peptide; 2) Basal diet plus 300 g bioactive peptide; 3) Basal diet plus 1.2 mg organic selenium per kg of dry matter without bioactive peptides; 4) Basal diet plus 1.2 mg organic selenium per kg of dry matter plus 300 grams of bioactive peptide. The inclusion of HSM during the prepartum period resulted in a higher BCS in postpartum and smaller increase in BCS during prepartumd (P < 0.01). Additionally, there was a significant interaction effect between HSM and CSBP on BCS (P < 0.02) and its changes (P < 0.01) during the post-partum periods. The presence of ovarian cysts, number of inseminations per pregnancy, the endometrium and uterine regression scores and pregnancy during the first insemination was not influenced by any of the experimental treatments (P > 0.1). However, HSM had a positive effect on pregnancy during the second insemination (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that supplementing HSM could reduce the BCS changes before and after parturition and  subsequent to that, it leads to an enhancement in the pregnancy during the second insemination.


Main Subjects

Extended Abstract


Most high-yielding cows experience a notable energy deficit and undergo significant metabolic changes during calving and early lactation. These changes primarily affect lipid and protein metabolism. The increase in metabolism, particularly lipid metabolism, is accompanied by the restoration of energy balance and a rise in oxygen consumption. Consequently, there is an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily because most tissues rely on fatty acids released from fat as their primary energy source.

Inflammation not only reduces nutrient intake but also increases body weight loss and alters nutrient partitioning. This energy cost sequesters resources from other physiological processes, including production, reproduction, and perhaps even the immune system itself, which in turn has known consequences for reproduction. Among these problems, we can mention inappropriate reproductive performance (including low conception, retained placenta, metritis, and cystic ovaries). Inflammatory mediators can also reach the reproductive tract, including the ovaries and uterus, as well as the brain, affecting the physiological processes that control normal reproductive cycles and leading to decreased LH secretion.


Material and Methods

In a study involving one hundred and eighty multiparous Holstein cows 21 days prior to the expected calving date, a randomized complete block design was implemented in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. The cows were assigned to one of four experimental treatments: 1) Basal diet (containing mineral selenium as per NRC (2001) recommendations without peptide; 2) Basal diet (containing mineral selenium as per NRC (2001) recommendations plus 300 g bioactive peptide; 3) Basal diet (containing mineral selenium as per NRC (2001) recommendations plus 1.2 mg organic selenium per kg of dry matter without bioactive peptides; 4) Basal diet (containing mineral selenium as per NRC (2001) recommendations plus 1.2 mg organic selenium per kg of dry matter plus 300 grams of bioactive peptide.


Results and discussion

The addition of CSBP did not have any significant impact on BCS changes during the pre- and post-partum period (P > 0.1). However, the inclusion of HSM during the prepartum period resulted in a higher BCS in postpartum and smaller increase in BCS during prepartum (P < 0.01). Additionally, there was a significant interaction effect between HSM and CSBP on BCS (P < 0.02) and its changes (P < 0.01) during the post-partum periods. The presence of ovarian cysts was not influenced by any of the experimental treatments (P > 0.1). The number of inseminations per pregnancy was also not affected by the experimental treatments (P > 0.1). However, the treatments that received HSM had a lower number of inseminations per pregnancy (2.11 services versus 2.35 services). Furthermore, the endometrium and uterine regression scores in the 38-day ultrasound were not impacted by the experimental treatments (P > 0.1). Nevertheless, the treatments that received HSM had lower endometrial and uterine regression scores. The effect of the experimental treatments on pregnancy during the first insemination was not influenced by the experimental treatments (P > 0.1). However, HSM may have a positive effect on pregnancy during the second insemination (P < 0.05).



    In the present study, the interaction effect of peptide in selenium on BCS after parturition was significant and it was able to minimize BCS changes after birth. Also, the effect of HSM on BCS changes before calving was significant, and therefore, after calving, cows that received HSM had higher BCS than other treatments. However, the interaction between peptide and selenium had no significant effect on endometrial score, uterine regression, ovarian cyst, and number of inseminations in each pregnancy. The effect of peptide and selenium and their mutual effect on the pregnancy of the first and second insemination was not significant, but selenium had a significant effect on the pregnancy of the second insemination.

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