Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
Main Subjects
Extended Abstract
Horse (Equus ferus caballus) has been one of the oldest animals domesticated by humans. In terms of geographical distribution, this animal is also present in all the lands, and horses are included as the most popular domesticated animals in human societies (Jun et al., 2014; Mahrous et al., 2011 and Petersen et al., 2013). At present, the populations of Iranian native horse breeds include Turkmen, Caspian, Kurdish, Dareshouri, and Arabian (Asil) (Rafeie et al., 2011). From the five official registered horse breeds of Iran, Turkmen and Asil horses had the greatest impact on the breeding program and foundation of many breeds. So, most bloodlines of stallions from other breeds originate from these two horse breeds (Wallner et al. 2017). Therefore, based on archaeological findings, the early stages of the establishment of most European horse breeds originated from the bloodline of Iranian horses and these breeds played a significant role in the development of horse breeds in globe (Fages et al., 2019). So, this research was carried out to investigate and genomic scan of the structure, genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium (LD), and estimate the level of inbreeding by Illumina 70k SNP Equine bead chip to determine the distances and genetic structure related to the mentioned populations, to identify some conservation strategies for further investigations.
Material and methods
In this study, the genotype dataset of 167 horses including Turkmen (40), Caspian (22), Kurdish (66), Dareshouri (15), and Arabian Asil (24) from the Equestrian federation of Iran databases were used. It was tried to ensure that none of the horses have family relationships in the pedigree for the analysis of genomic data. The hair samples were sent to the Geneseek laboratory in the United States and were genotyped using Illumina 70k SNP Equine bead chip. Data quality control was applied by PLINK v 1.9 (Purcell et al., 2007) software, and loci with MAF < 2%, Mind < 5%, HWE (<10-6), and genotype call rate < 1% were removed. Finally, 159 horses with 45,270 SNP loci were reminded for further analysis. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on SNP data using the "Prcomp" function in R v 4.2.1 (R Development Core Team, 2022). Finally, to examine the population structure, the assignment test, also determines the genomic kinship relationships between individuals in order to distinguish populations and identify outliners, we used adegenet v 2.0.0 package (Jombart et al., 2018) in R. Assigning of individual into their genetic groups was examined using the Structure v 2.3.4 (Pritchard et al., 2000) assuming K=2 to 8. The Structure algorithm included the admixture model and correlated allele frequencies.
Results and discussion
Data quality control was applied and loci with MAF < 2%, Mind < 5%, HWE (<10-6), and genotype call rate < 1% were removed. Finally, 159 horses with 45,270 SNP loci were reminded. The results of PCA analysis showed that the populations were separated based on PC1 and based on PC2 geographic regions of all samples were separated into five main components. According to the PCA analysis, it can be seen that Dareshouri breed has a slight genomic admixture with Arabian Asil and Kurdish horses, while Arabian Asil, Turkmen, and Caspian were well differentiated from each other, which is close with results of Babayi et al., (2021). Similar to such grouping with a little admixture was also observed in Yousefi Mashouf et al., (2021) and Maghsoudi et al., (2017). In this research, both PCA and DAPC methods correctly separated the population of Iranian native horse breeds. The analysis of the genetic structure within the whole sample of Iranian horses with the admixture algorithm confirmed lack of differentiation between Caspian and Kurdish, Arabian Asil, and Dareshouri breeds at K=2, then we select different K from 2 to 5 as the optimal structure. The further results for K from 5 to 8 did not add information about genetic differentiation between populations. The LD decay among all breeds showed a significant decrease below 400 bp. Caspian and Dareshouri breeds experienced the lowest and highest LD and the highest and lowest effective population size, respectively. The low level of LD of the Caspian breed indicates that the effective size of this population is greater than that of other breeds. The inbreeding value based on runs of homozygosity (ROH) were highest and lowest for Arabian Asil and Caspian breeds, respectively. The results of this study showed that the Iranian native horse breeds were well defined by SNP markers, which can be used for stud base foundations of breeds with more accuracy.