Assessment of the Technical Performance of Beekeeping Farms in Fereydunshahr County, Isfahan

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Agricultural Management and Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Breeding honeybees to utilize their nutritional, environmental, and economic benefits has always been a concern for human societies. However, the beekeeping industry's performance is not currently favorable. The most fundamental action to achieve the desired status is to identify and analyze the current performance of this industry. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the technical performance of beekeeping farms in Fereydunshahr county and provide suggestions to improve their status. The data used in this study were primary data collected through face-to-face and telephone interviews by a researcher-made questionnaire in the spring of 2022. The sample size was 140 beekeepers selected using the stratified sampling method among all beekeepers in Fereydunshahr county (N=210), located in Isfahan province. Due to the study's exploratory nature, only descriptive statistics were used. The results showed that the average age of beekeepers was nearly 44 years, and all of them were men. More than 52% of the respondents followed beekeeping as a side job. The average number of colonies on beekeeping farms was 140, and the average honey production per hive was 9.7 kg, indicating an average level of performance. However, the production of honeybee by-products was not in favorable condition. Finally, suggestions such as increasing the motivation and ability of women and youth to enter the beekeeping profession, and increasing and homogenizing the number of colonies of beekeeping farms are suggested to improve the performance of beekeeping farms.


Extended Abstract


   Beekeeping has been a part of human society since 4500 B.C, due to the production of valuable bee products (Fels et al., 2019). In addition, beekeeping offers crucial ecological benefits to both natural and agricultural ecosystems (Al-Ghamdi et al., 2017; El Agrebi et al., 2021). Moreover, beekeeping can provide additional job opportunities for poor households and improve their livelihoods (Iseselo et al., 2019). Iran is the world's third-largest honey producer, producing 77,152 tons of honey in 2021, after China and Turkey (FAO, 2023). Based on the latest statistics, the global honey market was valued at almost seven billion USD in 2020. The honey market value of Iran for this year is estimated to be 892 million USD (FAO, 2023). Thus, Iran has the potential to become a significant player in the global market for honey production and supply. Fereydunshahr county, located in Iran, has a diverse ecological system characterized by favorable weather and expansive pastures, making it highly suitable for beekeeping. However, despite its potential, beekeeping in this region remains underdeveloped. The difference in performance between farms in the study area and farms in other regions of the world confirms this issue. To improve the performance of beekeeping farms, the first step is to assess their current status. Hence, this study aims to analyze the technical performance of beekeeping farms in Fereydunshahr county and suggest solutions to improve their technical performance. The results of this study can assist policymakers and beekeeping sector planners in enhancing sector performance.


Materials and Methods

   This study is a quantitative research that follows a non-experimental applied approach, using a post-positivist paradigm. It focuses on Fereydunshahr county, located in the west of Isfahan province, and the statistical population consists of 210 beekeepers from the county (N=210). Using the Krejcie and Morgan table, the study sample size was determined to be 140 (n=140), and the sampling method used was stratified sampling. The data used in the study is primary data collected using a researcher-made questionnaire in the spring of 2022, related to the last breeding season until that time. The research is exploratory in nature, so only descriptive statistics were used to assess the technical performance of beekeeping farms. The study employed SPSS v.26 and Excel 2019 software for statistical operations and analysis of collected data. The descriptive statistics used in the study include frequency, percentage, cumulative percentage, mode, mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values.


Results and Discussion

    Descriptive statistics revealed that the average age of the beekeepers under study was approximately 44, and all of them were male. The findings clearly indicate that young people and women exhibit a significantly lower willingness or ability to work in beekeeping. Previous studies such as Aydın et al. (2020) and Tadesse et al. (2021) have confirmed this issue. Due to the high risk associated with the profession and the lack of familiarity among youth and women, the number of beekeeping activists may decrease. Hence, providing adequate incentives and facilities for women and youth is key to boosting beekeeping farm performance. According to the findings, on average, each beekeeper had about 140 colonies. Thus, the beekeeping farms in Fereydunshahr county had a semi-professional level of operation (76-150 Colonies). As a result, beekeeping in the studied area was done non-modern way with low productivity. Therefore, increasing beekeeping farms' scale up to the professional level should be considered. Among the 140 beekeepers surveyed, 67 of them (47.9%) considered beekeeping their primary occupation, while 73 beekeepers (52.1%) pursued it as a secondary job. Additionally, the average honey production per hive was roughly 9.7 kg, while the average production of beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly per hive were 0.48 kg, 0.027 kg, 0.339 kg, and 0.01 kg, respectively. This indicates an intermediate level of honey production performance. In comparison to the farms studied by Al-Ghamdi et al. (2017) in Saudi Arabia, where the average production of honey was about 6.6 kg, Fereydunshahr is in a more suitable status. However, when compared to the farms studied by Tadesse et al. (2021) in the south of Ethiopia, where the average production was 22.00 kg, Fereydunshahr is in an inappropriate status. On the other hand, the production of other bee products was not in a favorable status. This issue has impacted the economic status of beekeeping farms. Therefore, it is crucial to modify the production method of farms.



    This study aimed to analyze the technical performance of beekeeping farms in Fereydunshahr county and provide recommendations for enhancing their performance. Considering the potential of Fereydunshahr county in beekeeping, the technical performance of beekeeping farms in this region is unfavorable. Hence, it is crucial to identify and address the challenges and opportunities facing beekeeping farms to increase their performance to optimal levels and make better use of natural resources.

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