Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran
PhD Student, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Kordestan, Sanandaj, Iran
The purpose of this study was investigated the genetic gain, increase of average inbreeding and accuracy of prediction using simulated data under different mating designs. Two level of heritability (0.1 and 0.5) and five maing designs including random mating (rnd), mating based on minimum inbreeding (minf), mating based on maximum inbreeding (maxf),positive assortative mating design based on phenotype (phen) and positive assortative mating design based on estimated breeding value (ebv) were considered. The genetic gain after ten generation in rnd, minf, maxf, phen and ebv mating designs for heritability 0.1 were 0.836, 0.747, 0.952, 0.877 and 1.023 units, respectively, and for heritability 0.3 were 2.979, 2.997, 3.016, 3.303 and 3.595 units, respectively. After ten generation increase of average inbreeding for heritability 0.1 was 0.084 in rnd, 0.038 in minf, 0.353 in maxf, 0.079 in phen and 0.215 in ebv, and for heritability 0.3 was 0.057 in rnd, 0.026 in minf, 0.356 in maxf, 0.092 in phen and 0.177 in ebv, respectively. The results shoewd that the genetic gain in minf design was greater than others mating designs per 1% increase of inbreeding, and minf design was better than other mating designs.