Impact of genotype imputation and different genomic architectures on the performance of random forest and threshold Bayes A methods for genomic prediction

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Astara, Iran


Genomic selection using imputed genotypes can have an important role in increasing economic efficiency andthe genetic improvement of the threshold traits. The objective of this study was to: investigate the accuracy of imputation and to evaluate its effect on area under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) of threshold BayesA (TBA) and random forest (RF) algorithms for discrete traits with different genomic architectures. Genomic data were simulated to reflect variations in heritability (0.30 and 0.10), number of QTL (108 and 1080) and linkage disequilibrium (low and high) for 27 chromosomes. To simulate a condition close to reality, we randomly masked markers with 50% and 90% missing rate for each scenario; afterwards, missing genotypes were imputed and imputation accuracy was estimated. In the last step, to evaluate the AUROC of TBA and RF, original or imputed genotypes were used. The accuracy of imputation was improved with increasing level of LD and decreased missing rate. The total average of AUROC values were 0.64 and 0.66 when using RF and TBA, respectively. Comparing to original genotypes, using imputed genotypes with 50% and 90% missing rate decreased the average AUROC about 0.013 and 0.02 for RF and 0.0018 and 0.026 for TBA, respectively. Despite the higher AUROC of TBA at different scenarios, RF showed a better performance in large number QTL. Generally, genomic prediction based on imputed genotypes (5K) can be implemented to reduce of the cost of a genomic evaluation.


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