Prediction of metabolizable energy of current barley cultivars in Alborz province by linear regression equations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former Graduate Student, University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj

2 Associate Professor, University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj


This study was carried out to determine regression equations for prediction of apparent metabolizable energy corrected by nitrogen (AMEn) using 11 barley cultivar (valfajr, Karon, Bahman, Aras, Dasht, Afzal, Zarjo, Kavir, Reihani, Makui and Yousef) the seeds obtain from Alborz province, Iran. All of the cultivar were analyzed based on proximate analysis, starch, NDF and ADF. Result showed that ether extract (EE) and nitrogen free extract (NFE) is related to the most (25.5) and lowest (4.2) CV, respectively. The metabolizable energy was measured on adult roosters (Rhode Islandred) using Chromic Oxide marker. The experimental diets were composed of 30% of test sample and the remaining 70% was a combination of other ingredients held constant across diets. The result of multiple regression equations was shown that starch was the best factor for prediction of AMEn of diets. The equation for prediction of AMEn based on chemical composition was:
AMEn barley (kcal/kg of DM) = 52 × Starch (R2=0.983, P<0.000)


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