A Comparison of Breeding Objectives of Native Black Goat in Different Rearing Systems: 2. A Determination of the Economic Values



In this study, production, reproduction, management and economic parameters deduced from recordings of 5 flocks with 720 heads of native goats during an annual cycle of production in transhumance, village and farming systems were employed to determine the traits' economic values. The economic values of the traits were estimated, using maximizing profit, revenue per cost as well as minimizing cost situations. The relative economic values of traits for transhumance system resulted from maximizing profit situation were 15.29 for survival rate in goat, 5.60 for conception rate, 4.92 for kidding frequency, 2.37 for kidding rate, 3.34 for kid survival rate up to weaning, 2.74 for kid survival rate to yearling, 1.00 for kid live weight at sale, -5.45 for body weight of goat and 13.37 for milk yield. In village system, these values were 8.30, 4.52, 4.16, 1.21, 1.55, 1.38, 1.00, -6.42 and 4.96, respectively. In farming system, these values were estimated as 1.73, 1.13, 0.73, 0.37, 0.53, 0.50, 1.00, -0.77 and 1.16, respectively. The absolute economic values of traits increased with improving economic efficiency from transhumance to farming systems, but the relative economic values decreased. Although, the calculated economic values from all the three situations were different numerically, but from the rank point of view of traits they ended up with apporoximatly similar results.
