Author = Ali Esmailizadeh
Identification of Genomic Regions Associated with Fat Deposition in Some Asian and African Sheep Breeds Based on Selection Signature

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 July 2024


Susan Radpour; Mohammad Taghi Beigi Nassiri; Mohammad Hossein Moradi; Ali Esmailizadeh

Detection of genomic regions under positive selection in adapting to high altitude in Iranian sheep

Volume 55, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 143-162


Zahra Patiabadi; Mohammad Razmkabir; Ali Esmailizadeh; Mohammad Hossein Moradi; Amir Rashidi

Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism in Iranian Helmeted Guineafowl ‎ecotypes to study the phylogenetic relationships and inbreeding ‎

Volume 53, Issue 1, May 2022, Pages 43-51


Rana Pedar; Ali Esmailizadeh; Ahmad Ayatollahi Mehrgardi; Hojjat Asadollahpour-Nanaei; Hamed Kharrati-Koopaee

Study of structural diversity of genome Iranian native dog and wolf with the method whole genome sequencing

Volume 47, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 271-277


Zeinab Amirighanatsaman; Ali Esmailizadeh Koshkoiyeh; Masood Asadi Fozi

Identification of novel SNP in promoter of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF1) gene in Japanese quail by PCR-SSCP assay

Volume 47, Issue 2, October 2016, Pages 303-312


Homa Aarabi; Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak; Abbas Pakdel; Hossein Moradi Shahrbabak; Ali Esmailizadeh koshkoiyeh

Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting carcass traits and internal organs on chromosome two in Japanese quail

Volume 46, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 223-233


Ehsan Nasirifar; Ali K. Esmailizadeh; Hasan Moradian; Saeed Sohrabi

Estimation of effective population size in Sarabi cattle based on single nucleotide polymorphism markers

Volume 46, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 335-343


Karim Karimi; Ali Esmaili zadeh koshkueih; Masoud Asadi Fozi

An Association between the C>T Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Bovine OPN Gene and Milk Production and Composition in Iran Holstein Cattle

Volume 42, Issue 3, January 2011, Pages 199-205

Majid Pasandideh; Mohammadreza Mohammad-abadi; Alireza Torang; Ali Esmaeilizadeh kashkoueiyejh