Author = abdol ahad shadparvar
Age Distribution and Generation Interval Corresponding to Four Selection Pathways of Holstein Cattle in Iran

Volume 41, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 223-229

Saherreh Jowzi Shekalgoorani; AbdolAhad Shadparvar; Rasoul VaezTorshizi; Mohammad Moradi Shahrbabak

Optimization of Progeny Testing Programs for Iranian Holstein Dairy Cattle

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2009

saeed shadpoor; abdolahad shadparvar; naghmeh ayooghi

Estimation of Genetic Parameters for First Lactation Production and Reproduction Traits in Iranian Holstein Cows

Volume 40, Issue 2, September 2009

sajad toghyani; ablolahad shadparvar; mohammad moradi shahr babak; mohammad dadpasand

The Effect of Culling Herd Life from Selection Goal in Iranian Holstein Cows

Volume 40, Issue 1, June 2009

sahereh jozi shekalgoorabi; abdol ahad shadparvar